Best way to learn digital marketing

Learn Digital Marketing

Today, there is a lot of buzz around digital marketing courses in Bangalore. Wondering, what and how to choose and learn in this crowded market where every digital marketing institute is offering advanced digital marketing training.

This blog will guide you through the essentials of digital marketing training programs.

Before I begin, here are some interesting facts by Google

Growth in local searches

Increase in machine learning and AI

By 2020, internet will influence FMCG

Growth in payment banks

Increase in local searches

To read more insights and potential opportunities in your vertical, you can download the Google search report here.

Here is why Digital Marketing.

The Future of the Marketing – Digital Marketing

The marketing landscape is constantly changing with the increasing internet population, increase in the digital marketing spends by companies, an explosion in e-commerce growth and lastly, with government’s Digital India initiative.

The growth and scenario in Indian economy with increased virtualization of marketing make Digital Marketing a lucrative career.

Demand in Digital marketing skills

The data that we saw above from Google, makes it definitive for almost all businesses, to include digital in their marketing activities, sooner or later.

With the increased demand for digital marketers, there are a lot of opportunities out there for those looking to get into the field of digital marketing. We are aware that digital media is part of every corner of our lives, and it is here to stay. Today, almost everyone begins its online activity with a search engine, ensuring the continued demand for digital marketers.

With the increased use of Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin (for professional networking), the digital landscape is constantly moving. In this era, anyone thinking about starting own business or starting new careers needs to have a basic knowledge of digital marketing in order to convert your target customers.

If you are wondering about pay scale or money as digital marketing professionals. Then have a look at the screenshot below;

Payscale for digital marketers

There is plenty of room for people looking to enter the world of digital marketing and related careers. With demand for digital marketing skills, there is a better pay scale too.

Start Your Own Business or Freelance (Be your own boss)  

Having a career in Digital marketing or having knowledge about digital marketing, you can start your own business or even better “Be your own boss”, work independently.

With Digital Marketing, your career options are broadened. You can;

  • Become an entrepreneur
  • Become Freelancer offering Digital Marketing services
  • Turn into a Digital Marketing Trainer
  • or Earn money online via Blogging or Affiliate networks

In today’s economy, Digital marketing forms the backbone. It is a skill that everyone should learn or know irrespective of their job profile.

Who can take digital marketing training?

Anyone with a passion and love to explore technology and digital media can learn Digital Marketing.

Budding entrepreneurs, housewives planning to work from home, students who are looking for some pocket money, students who want to upgrade their learnings, marketing professionals, can very well benefit from learning Digital Marketing.

Online marketing is not only meant for sales and marketing professionals. Anyone (even a layman) with a high knowledge and desire to walk through this area can master the subject with hard work and dedication.

Best way to learn Digital Marketing

Learning digital marketing is more of a passion than traditional classroom learning. You need to show your inquisitiveness in this field to excel. If you want to learn about digital marketing, you need to practice it yourself as well.

You can choose to learn digital marketing by reading books or watching videos online. You can take digital marketing classes in Bangalore to learn various modules.

Digital marketing courses or digital marketing training modules can be overwhelming to learn on your own. You may feel that going through a proper digital marketing training program or taking a guided learning in digital marketing institutes is better for you, YOU ARE RIGHT.

A good digital marketing training program will give you structured learning, guidance by digital marketing expert (mentor) and the opportunity to network with industry professionals.

If you wish to attend a digital marketing training program, you must follow the below steps in identifying the right digital marketing training institute for you.

Where can I (You) learn digital marketing?

When it comes to digital marketing learning or digital marketing training, some digital marketing institutes in India are exclusive in it. Other educational institutes offer online digital marketing training or courses. You will also see a lot of digital marketing institutes offer specialized courses in;

  1. Search engine marketing (SEM, PPC)
  2. Search engine optimization (SEO)
  3. Social media marketing (SMM)
  4. Web development
  5. Mobile SEO or marketing and so on

I have partnered with one of the best digital marketing institutes in Bangalore, Digiperform that offers various modules in digital marketing training.

Get certified in digital marketing

As we know, there is a skill gap in digital marketing and more and more people are getting to learn digital marketing. A digital marketing certification is a great way to stand out in this crowded market as it builds credibility to your learnings.

DigiPerform offer certification for those who finish our complete course content. Our digital marketing content covers the basics and beyond, to help you build a great foundation of digital skills to grow your business.

The Digiperform’s course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing (SMM), conversion rate optimization (CRO), web analytics, email marketing, mobile marketing and more.

After successful completion of the training, you will be awarded the course completion certificate.

You can also take quizzes for Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Blueprint and YouTube marketing certification by registering on their respective websites and qualifying exams.

To learn and obtain digital marketing certificate, you are required to complete the digital marketing course with 21 modules offered by I Digital Academy.

Registration for the digital marketing course is always on.

Hope you have enjoyed reading this blog. Please share your feedback or suggestions in the comments section below. You can also reach out to me at

Happy Learning!

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